In 2009 CIRD had provided technical expertise and facilitation support to establish the Federation of Farmer Associations Promoting Family Agriculture Enterprise in Cambodia (FAEC). From 2010 to date, in partnership with ECLOSIO (former ADG, a Belgium NGO) and other development partners, CIRD has implemented projects to upgrade several value chains of agriculture cooperatives (36 old ACs + 4 newly established ACs, members of FAEC) enhancing market access for small holder farmers. Besides, CIRD and its partner ECLOSIO facilitated and supported the establishment a platform of Federations of Farmer Organisations including CFAP, FAEC, FCFD, FNN, and FWN namely NF3 (official registration with MoI is under the process).
As soon as it was founded, CIRD has implemented the “pilot project for Geographical Indications Protection” in Cambodia as its first development project. This project is led by the Ministry of Commerce in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries with financial support from AFD (French Development Agency) and technical assistance from GRET (a French development NGO) and CIRD. In the framework of this pilot project, CIRD has provided its technical assistance and facilitation support to establish two inter-professional associations managing the PGI namely Kapot Pepper Promotion Association (KPPA) and Kampong Speu Palm Sugar Promotion Association (KSPA).
Considering the fact that Cambodia has become a significant producer of pepper and in 2018 ranks as fifth world largest producer; CIRD and HEKS in close collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and IFC-World Bank as well as key pepper value chain actors to develop a national pepper sector policy and to provide facilitation support for the establishment of Cambodia Pepper and Spice Federation (CPSF). This federation establishment aimed at having a national level coordination and support body in promoting Cambodia pepper on both production and marketing aspects for the interest of local producers, processors, and exporters. CPSF envisions “Cambodia is recognized by the world pepper market as one of the most important pepper suppliers with supreme quality and sustainable productions; and through this reputation, Cambodian pepper sector will become an important sector contributing to country economic development as well as the development of households’ economic of producers and market operators.” The CPSF founding members includes 12 agricultural cooperatives (AC), 5 pepper business associations (PBA) and 8 export companies. The federation governance structure comprises of 17 board members amongst them there are 11 representatives of AC/PBA and 6 representatives of export companies.
From 2016 to April 2018, within the framework of SEFED project (a project funded by AFD implemented by GERES in partnership with CIRD), CIRD has provided technical assistance and facilitation support to establish CESPA (Cambodian Efficient Stove Promotion Association) which is an inter-professional association of Efficient Stove producers and distributors. CESPA was established by its foundation assembly conducted on 31 March 2017 and officially registered with the Ministry of Interior through a ministerial Prakas #7189 p.k dated 18 December 2017.
In collaboration with NTFP-EP (Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Program for South and South-East Asia) and its partners (PACT, WWF, DAI, Ponlok Khmer, CCD, AFD, and Oxfam GB), CIRD provided technical support to establish a Federation of wild honey collectors enterprises from six province of Mundul Kiri, Rattanak Kiri, Kratie, Kampong Thom, Preh Vihear, and Koh Kong, namely the Cambodian Federation for Bee Conservation and Community based Wild Honey Enterprises (CBHE) and in developing a common wild honey standard and control system for the network.